torsdag 8. mars 2012

Stop Motion Developmental Workbook

To start of the project, we investigated the different  methods we could apply to make the product. We had a software on an iPad which could help us so a stop motion animation. Sander also has some experience with clay and therefore we decided to make a claymation.

Plan: Our group consists of Roman, Floyd, Sander and I. Together we decided upon roles. I would be responsible for the editing, Roman would do the filming, Sander would do the figures and the filming, and Floyd would make props.

Design. We made a design for 5 sketches from 2011. These were, an introduction,  Ski WM in Holmenkollen, Earthquake in Japan, Osama bin Ladens death, Gadaffis death and the Smørkrise. We would go a s far as we could and Sander would create the figures.

Create, The creation stage was the longest, and the filming went thoroughly and well. I did the editing parallel to the filming. perfect teamwork. Unfortunately, Sander was sick and absent the last day making us unable to finish the assignment on time.

Evaluation: Overall, the movie was good and within time limits. The whole group was satisfied with their work and had fun creating

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